Materials List, FA 313






            This is an advanced figure drawing class, your work is to be on high quality rag content paper.


       Due to size requirements of assignments, I suggest you purchase a roll of Arches or Rieves BFK. The rolls can be purchased from

                    Utrecht art supplies, groups can order 4 roll boxes at cheaper rates.


Other Materials:


           -Newsprint, 24 by 36 inches, be prepared to purchase two possibly more if you

                        intend on keeping all of your work

            -Vine Charcoal, you will be working almost exclusively with this material, stock up

            -Chamois Cloth

            -Mars plastic eraser, white plastic architect eraser. Also look for erasers which

                        you might find useful as tools for drawing.

            -Other drawing materials that you have become comfortable with that you wish to

                        explore further


These materials are essential to this class and the goals which we are attempting to accomplish. There are several stores in the are which stock these materials, I am typically aware of which sources are stocked.  Having the materials is part of your grade, your grade is your responsibility.


Required Texts


Atlas of Human Anatomy for the Artist by Stephen Rogers Peck

Ways of Seeing  by John Berger


                    These texts have been ordered and will be in stock at the bookstore




There will be a number of sketchbook assignments given throughout the semester. I attempt to make an assignment every week.  This is typically the only outside class work you will be assigned.  If taken seriously, these assignments will take one to two hours and can be done in one afternoon.  You will need to become familiar with the section of Holland Library where the Art and Art History books are kept.


Some figurative artists to become familiar with, ones I will reference and discuss:


            Alberto Giaccometti            Albrecht Durer                Frida Kahlo

            Mary Cassat                        Berthe Morrisot               Leonardo Da Vinci

            Michaelangelo                  Marlene Dumas               Kiki Smith

            Henri Matisse                      Edward Hopper              Jean-August Ingres