Materials List, FA 111


For the first project you must have:


            -brown wrapping paper, minimum 3ft. wide and as long as your height,

                        this can be purchased in rolls at Wal Mart or Shopko for less than 2 dollars

            -vine charcoal, medium grade, no soft

            -two sticks of each

                        medium to dark brown conte crayon

                        black conte crayon

                        white conte crayon or chalk

            -Sketchbook, this is extremely important, part of your grade is from this

                        look for something hard bound, 8 1/2 by 11 inches



For the rest of the following you must have:


            -Newsprint, 24 by 36 inches, be prepared to purchase two possibly more if you

                        intend on keeping all of your work

            -Vine Charcoal, you will be working almost exclusively with this material, stock up

            -Chamois Cloth

            -Begin looking at high quality papers, look for acid free archival papers for our

                        longer drawings. Some examples; arches, rives BFK, cansons, etc.

            -Mars plastic eraser, white plastic architect eraser. Also look for erasers which

                        you might find useful as tools for drawing.


These materials are essential to this class and the goals which we are attempting to accomplish. There are several stores in the are which stock these materials, I am typically aware of which sources are stocked.  Having the materials is part of your grade, your grade is your responsibility.





There will be a number of sketchbook assignments given throughout the semester. I attempt to make an assignment every week.  This is typically the only outside class work you will be assigned.  If taken seriously, these assignments will take one to two hours and can be done in one afternoon.  You will need to become familiar with the section of Holland Library where the Art and Art History books are kept.


Some figurative artists to become familiar with, ones I will reference and discuss:


            Alberto Giaccometti            Albrecht Durer                Frida Kahlo

            Mary Cassat                        Berthe Morrisot               Leonardo Da Vinci

            Michaelangelo                  Marlene Dumas               Kiki Smith

            Henri Matisse                      Edward Hopper              Jean-August Ingres