Art 408 Readings in Art

Thr 6-9pm

Fall 2000


Ron Medina

AA 108

Office hours will be by sign-up posted on office door, or by appointment.

Office phone 885-4758 (messages also)

e-mail:  [email protected]



Course Description:

This class is formatted as a seminar discussion setting for analyzing and interpreting writings about art. We will focus on writings by artists about their work as well as critical writings about current art works.


Required Text:

Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art, A Sourcebook of Artists’ Writings, by

            Kristine Stiles and Peter Selz



Course Goals:

1. To appreciate the social, cultural, historical, political, religious and economic factors which            

        impact artists' choices in subject, symbolism, and style across time and geography.

2. To investigate issues of gender, race, patronage, etc. as they relate to the role of the artist.

3. To develop skills for evaluating and analyzing works of art, both in terms of visual analysis            

        (line, color, composition, etc.) and in their expressive content, their subject matter...

4.  To develop the skills to write about and discuss ones own work.



Course Requirements:                    

As this class is a seminar/discussion based format, attendance and participation are a must. You will be required to keep a journal of continuous writings based on your own work as well as in class assignments. There will be group assignments, where everyone’s grades are effected by what you do as part of the group.


As part of the class assignments, we will be attending shows and lectures when ever possible. We will try to make these group outings, If you are not able to attend as part of the group you will still be expected to attend as they will be considered assignments. We will then use these experiences for in-class discussions as well as topics of research.


Serious emergency situations; i.e.. illness or family emergencies. (Dr.'s note may be necessary) need to be made up immediately and by appointment only.