Art 301 History of Art: 19th Century

Tue/Thr 2:30-3:45pm

Fall 2000


Ron Medina

AA 108

Office hours will be by sign-up posted on office door, or by appointment.

Office phone 885-4758 (messages also)

e-mail:  [email protected]



Course Description:

This course is an introduction to the art of the 19th Century. We will focus primarily upon works produced in the United States and Europe between 1780 and 1910.



Required Text:

Nineteenth Century Art, A Critical History, by Stephen F. Eisenman



Course Goals:

1. To Recognize works and styles of art from major artists of the time period.

2. To appreciate the social, cultural, historical, political, religious and economic factors which            

        impact artists' choices in subject, symbolism, and style across time and geography.

3. To investigate issues of gender, race, patronage, etc. as they relate to the role of the artist.

4. To develop skills for evaluating and analyzing works of art, both in terms of visual analysis            

        (line, color, composistion, etc.) and in their expressive content, their subject matter...



Course Requirements:                     Points ea.       Total Points

2 Midterm exams (multiple choice, slide ID)          100                   200

Final exam (multiple choice, slide ID)                   100                   100

In-class writing (compare contrast)                       100                   100

                                                                        Total            400

Make up exams will only be allowed for serious emergency situations; i.e.. illness or family emergencies. (Dr.'s note may be necessary)They need to be made up immediately and by appointment only.


The exams and the in-class writing are require to complete the class requirements. Failure to complete any two will result in and automatic F, and failure of the class. Cheating is considered a grave offenses, and will result in Departmental/University review for punishment. Take this seriously. You earn your grade, there is no curve, no extra credit and there are no retakes.



Lecture schedule is subject to adjustment. Topics of discussion may flow into each other. You are responsible to have reading assignments done on required dates. Test dates will be confirmed one week ahead of time.



Scale:             Final Grade   In-class writing and Exams

Points:                    400                                     100 ea.                                       

A          4.0          372-400                            93-100 

A-         3.7          360-371                             90-92

B+        3.3          348-359                             87-89

B          3.0          332-347                             83-86

B-         2.7          320-331                             80-82

C+        2.3          308-319                             77-79

C          2.0          292-307                            73-76

C-         1.7          280-291                            70-72

D+        1.3          268-279                            67-69

D          1.0          260-267                            65-66

F          0.0              0-259                              0-64



Course Outline


Topics:                                                           Readings in Eisenman:

8/29  Introduction                                                      

8/31  Neoclassicism                                                   Chapter 1

9/5    Neoclassicism                                                   Chapter 1

9/7    Romanticism                                                     Chapters 2-5

9/12  Romanticism                                                     Chapters 2-5

9/14  Romanticism                                                     Chapters 2-5    

9/19  Realism                                                             Chapters 6-10

9/21  Realism                                                             Chapters 6-10

9/26  Realism                                                             Chapters 6-10

9/28  Realism                                                             Chapters 6-10

10/3   Exam #1                                                       Bring Scantron Sheet

10/5   Impressionism and Photography                          Chapters 11-12

10/10 Impressionism and Photography                          Chapters 11-12

10/12 Impressionism and Photography                          Chapters 11-12

10/17 Neo-impressionism                                           Chapter 13

10/19 Neo-impressionism                                            Chapter 13

10/24 Post-impressionism                                           Chapters14-15

10/26 Post-impressionism                                           Chapters14-15

10/31 Post-impressionism                                           Chapters14-15

11/2 Exam#2                                                                          Bring Scantron Sheet

11/7   Announce slides and discuss format for in-class writing  

11/9   Symbolism                                                        Chapter 15

11/14 Symbolism                                                        Chapter 15                                

11/16 In-Class writing                                           Sheet will be supplied

11/18-11/26  Thanksgiving Break                       Rest your brain

11/28 Symbolism                                                        Chapter 15

11/30 Symbolism                                                        Chapter 15

12/5   Cezanne and the End of the Century                   Chapter 16

12/7   Cezanne and the End of the Century                   Chapter 16

12/12 Cezanne and the End of the Century                   Chapter 16

12/14 Cezanne and the End of the Century                   Chapter 16

12/21 FINAL EXAM 1-3pm                                   Bring Scantron Sheet