Art 208 Survey Western Art: Renaissance to Modern

Mon, Wed, Fri 11:30 am – 12:20 pm

Spring 2001



Ron Medina

AA 108

Office hours will be by appointment on M,W after 3:20 pm.

Office phone 885-4758 (messages also)

e-mail:  [email protected]



Course Description:

Historical survey of the visual arts and architecture from the Renaissance to the present, including; Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas, and the Pacific.


Required Text:

Art History, revised edition Vol. 2, by Marilyn Stokstad.



Course Goals:

1. To Recognize works of art from major world art traditions from the Renaissance to the

         present, including the title, period, date and artist if known.

2. To appreciate the social, cultural, historical, political, religious and economic factors which           

        impact artists' choices in subject, symbolism, and style across time and geography.

3. To investigate issues of gender, race, patronage, etc. as they relate to the role of the artist.

4. To develop skills for evaluating and analyzing works of art, both in terms of visual analysis            

        (line, color, composition, etc.) and in their expressive content, their subject matter...



Course Requirements:                     Points ea.       Total Points

2 Midterm exams (multiple choice, slide ID)          100                   200

Final exam (multiple choice, slide ID)                   100                   100

In-class writing (compare contrast)                       100                   100

                                                                        Total                  400


Make up exams will only be allowed for serious emergency situations; i.e.. illness or family emergencies. (Dr.'s note may be necessary)They need to be made up immediately and by appointment only.




The exams and the in-class writing are require to complete the class requirements. Failure to complete any two will result in and automatic F, and failure of the class. Cheating is considered a grave offense, and will result in Departmental/University review for punishment. Take this seriously. You earn your grade, there is no curve, no extra credit and there are no retakes. Finals are scheduled for Finals Week and will be given accordingly.




Scale:             Final Grade   In-class writing and Exams

Points:                    400                                     100 ea.                                       

A          4.0          360-400                             90-100 

B          3.0          359-320                             80-89

C          2.0          319-280                             70-79

D          1.0          260-279                             65-69

F          0.0              0-259                              0-64




Lecture schedule is subject to adjustment. Topics of discussion may flow into each other. You are responsible to have reading assignments done on required dates. Test dates will be confirmed one week ahead of time.




Course Outline


Topics:                                                           Readings in Stoksatd:


1/17 Personal introduction to class                        Cover syllabus, office hours, etc.        

1/19 Introduction of Stokstad                                 Introduction, pgs 16-33

1/22 Early Renaissance – Emergence                    Chap. 17, 612-18                    

1/24 Early Renaissance – Flemish                         Chap. 17, 619-36

1/26 Early Renaissance – Florence                        Chap. 17, 640-60

1/29 Early Renaissance – Outside Florence            Chap. 17, 660-77

1/31 High Renaissance – Florence                         Chap. 18, 680-91

2/2  High Renaissance – Rome                              Chap. 18, 691-704

2/5  High Renaissance – Venice                             Chap. 18, 704-12

2/7  High Ren. – French, English, Spanish Court     Chap. 18, 719-24 and 741-47

2/9  High Ren. – Netherlands and Germany             Chap. 18, 724-40

2/12 Mannerism                                                    Chap. 18, 712-19

2/14 Mannerism, High Renaissance                        Chap. 18

2/16 EXAM # 1                                                     Bring Scantron Sheet

2/19 Presidents' Day                                           U of I closed

2/21 Italian Baroque                                              Chap. 19, 750-69

2/23 French Baroque                                             Chap. 19, 769-76

2/26 Spanish, Flemish Baroque                             Chap. 19, 776-80 and 800-04

2/28 Dutch Baroque                                              Chap. 19, 786-800

3/2   Rococo, American Colonial                            Chap. 19, 804-819

3/5   Art of India after 1000                                    Chap. 20

3/7   Art of India after 1000                                    Chap. 20

3/9   Discuss In-Class Writing

3/12 Art of China after 1280                                   Chap. 21

3/14 Art of China after 1280                                  Chap. 21

3/16 In-Class Writing                                        Bring black or blue ink pen

3/17-25 Spring Break                                       Rest your brains

3/26 Art of China after 1280                                  Chap. 21

3/28 Art of Japan after 1392                                  Chap. 22

3/30 Art of Japan after 1392                                  Chap. 22

4/2   EXAM # 2                                                  Bring Scantron Sheet

4/4   Indigenous Americas after 1400                    Chap. 23

4/6   Indigenous Americas after 1400                    Chap. 23

4/9   Indigenous Americas after 1400                    Chap. 23

4/11 Pacific Cultures                                           Chap. 24

4/13 Pacific Cultures                                           Chap. 24

4/16 Modern African Art                                       Chap. 25

4/18 Modern African Art                                       Chap. 25

4/20 Neoclassicism                                            Chap. 26

4/23 Romanticism                                              Chap. 26

4/25 Realism                                                     Chap. 27

4/27 Impressionism                                            Chap. 27

4/30 Rise of Modernism                                      Chap. 28, 1022-48

5/2   Cubism to Architecture                               Chap. 28, 1048-73

5/4   Post WW I, American Art                           Chap. 28, 1073-1105

5/7   Post WW II to Modernism                          Chap. 29, 1108-35

5/9   Modernism to Postmodernism                    Chap. 29, 1135-67

5/11 Postmodernism                                         TBA



Friday 5/18 10:00 am to 12:00 pm FINAL EXAM bring scantron