Art 207 Survey Western Art: Ancient to Medieval

Tue/Thr 11:00am-12:15pm

Fall 2000


Ron Medina

AA 108

Office hours will be by sign-up posted on office door, or by appointment.

Office phone 885-4758 (messages also)

e-mail:  [email protected]



Course Description:

Historical survey of the visual arts and architecture from pre-history to around 1450 in the Mediterranean world and Europe, Asia, Africa, and the pre-Columbian Americas.



Required Text:

Art History, revised edition Vol. 1, by Marilyn Stokstad.



Course Goals:

1. To Recognize works of art from major world art traditions from pre-history through the Middle  

        Ages, including the title, period, date and artist if known.

2. To appreciate the social, cultural, historical, political, religious and economic factors which            

        impact artists' choices in subject, symbolism, and style across time and geography.

3. To investigate issues of gender, race, patronage, etc. as they relate to the role of the artist.

4. To develop skills for evaluating and analyzing works of art, both in terms of visual analysis            

        (line, color, composistion, etc.) and in their expressive content, their subject matter...



Course Requirements:                     Points ea.       Total Points

2 Midterm exams (multiple choice, slide ID)          100                   200

Final exam (multiple choice, slide ID)                   100                   100

In-class writing (compare contrast)                       100                   100

                                                                        Total                  400


Make up exams will only be allowed for serious emergency situations; i.e.. illness or family emergencies. (Dr.'s note may be necessary)They need to be made up immediately and by appointment only.


The exams and the in-class writing are require to complete the class requirements. Failure to complete any two will result in and automatic F, and failure of the class. Cheating is considered a grave offenses, and will result in Departmental/University review for punishment. Take this seriously. You earn your grade, there is no curve, no extra credit and there are no retakes.



Lecture schedule is subject to adjustment. Topics of discussion may flow into each other. You are responsible to have reading assignments done on required dates. Test dates will be confirmed one week ahead of time.



Scale:             Final Grade   In-class writing and Exams

Points:                    400                                     100 ea.                                       

A          4.0          372-400                                 93-100 

A-         3.7          360-371                                 90-92

B+        3.3          348-359                                 87-89

B          3.0          332-347                                 83-86

B-         2.7          320-331                                 80-82

C+        2.3          308-319                                 77-79

C          2.0          292-307                                73-76

C-         1.7          280-291                                 70-72

D+        1.3          268-279                                 67-69

D          1.0          260-267                                 65-66

F          0.0              0-259                                  0-64



Course Outline


Topics:                                                           Readings in Stoksatd:

8/29  Introduction                                                      

8/31  Prehistory/ European                                          34-47

9/5    Neolithic/ Bronze Age                                         47-58

9/7    Ancient Near East                                              62-76

9/12  Ancient Near East                                              76-89

9/14  Egypt                                                                90-108

9/19  Egypt                                                               108-125

9/21  India                                                                 366-393

9/26  China                                                                394-419

9/28 Exam #1                                                        Bring Scantron Sheet

10/3  Aegean                                                             126-149

10/5  Greece- Archaic                                                 150-176

10/10 Greece- Classical                                              177-208

10/12 Greece- Hellenistic                                            209-219

10/17 Etruscan/Roman                                              220-251

10/19 Roman                                                             252/285

10/24 Early Christian                                                  286-307

10/26 Byzantine                                                         308-335

10/31 Islam                                                               336-363

11/2 Exam#2                                                                         Bring Scantron Sheet

11/7   Announce slides and discuss format for in-class writing  

11/9   Japan                                                              420-441

11/14 Pre-Columbian Americas                                  442-463                                    

11/16 In-Class writing                                     Sheet will be supplied

11/18-11/26  Thanksgiving Break                     Rest your brain

11/28 Africa                                                              464-477

11/30 Early Medieval                                                478-497

12/5   Early Medieval/Romanesque                             497-534

12/7   Romanesque                                                   535-543

12/12 Gothic                                                             544-584

12/14 Gothic                                                             584-608

12/20 FINAL EXAM 10-12pm                             Bring Scantron Sheet