Semester Assignment


FA 423, Advanced Painting Fall 2002


Personal Exploration and Body of Works


This semester will be focused on the development of your personal ideas, philosophies, and approach(es) to painting. You will be required to research, write about, and discuss the items we focus on the entire semester.


The semester’s schedule is as follows:


First Crit – Sept. 19th


Artist Statement – minimum 3 pages

2 Paintings – in progress, or finished that explore the ideas in your Artist Statement

The names of 2 artists you feel influenced by – have an idea of their works and history


Second Crit – Oct. 17th  – Midterm


Revised Artist Statement – minimum 3 pages

3 to 5 Paintings – minimum of 2 must be finished

2 Page Summary – cover one of the artists you have been researching

Find a Philosopher – begin researching a philosophy or philosopher that relates to the way you think about your works, ask me for direction if you need


Third Crit – Nov. 14th


Revised Artist Statement – condense and revise to 2 pages

5+ Paintings – minimum of 3 must be finished

3 Page Summary – cover the ideas of philosophy or philosopher and how their ideas relate to your personal ideas and work


Final Crit – Dead Week and Finals Week – Dec. 10th to 19th


Final Artist Statement – condensed and revised to 1 page


5+ Finished Paintings

5 Slides – representing your body of works from this semester



Choice of materials is yours, keep a sketchbook and paint