Assignment #3


FA 321, Intermediate Painting Fall 2002





Color and Works of the “Masters”


This project’s focus is on developing and understanding how artists that we look at everyday have used color in their works.


You will be assigned an artist of the and given an image by that artist to analyze and recreate.


The first week of this assignment will be dedicated to the image only, the second week you will be given the name of the artist and asked to write an art historic paper on the artist.


Stipulations to this project are as follows:


Your finished painting will be the image you are assigned, see images at


This is a color study, you will be expected to choose a triad from the color wheel and use those three colors as the basis of your painting.


You will be expected to write a 3-5 page paper on the workings and philosophy of the artist assigned (Due 1 week after the crit)




Requirements for this project are as follows:


- Must be on stretched canvas, size will be assigned

- Keep track of progress through paint sketches

- You must have 3 to 5 ideas sketched out in your sketch book

- 3 - 5 page paper on the artist assigned to you; include references, bibliography, and footnotes when necessary.

        Places to search for information on your artists -

                    Web Sites-


                        Grove Art



                    On Campus-

                        Old Holland Library, 2nd floor, Section N

                        Art Encyclopedia - In Holland Library

                        Painting is due at the beginning of class, November 14th , be prepared for the group critique. 

                        Your paper is due One Week after the crit.