Assignment #4


FA 103, 3D Design Fall 2002



Form and Function – “The Invention”:



Through the ages, many artists have also been inventors, Leonardo Da Vinci had even drawn up ideas for flying machines and submarines during the late 1400’s. For this assignment we are going to think about how to design a work of art that not only has an aesthetic value, but is also functional.



Sketchbook Assignments:  5pts


1.     Create plans, your “design”, for a finished 3 dimensional "machine" like art work that is also functional.

2.     Find a “machine” that you commonly use and break down its design into a series of small drawings or schematic.

3.     Find a “machine”, other than the one above, that has an artistic or aesthetic feel to it

4.     Write down and define the words in the following list


Check for vocab at -



Ideas to think about for this assignment:


craft             concept         design           form             function

machine        aesthetics     schematic      kinetic           found object



Project #1:  20pts                               


Create your own machine, think about what its function is and how it is to be viewed or interpreted. We will have access to the wood shop, and will be treated to a "Fasteners" demonstration on Thursday Nov. 21st at 1:45 pm. Your materials are up to you, suggestions include building from wood (we will have wood shop access) or finding a number of thrown away/found objects that you can dismantle and reassemble.



Critique for this project will begin on Thursday December 12th at 1:30 pm sharp, and may have to extend into finals week. If we extend into finals week, we will meet on Thursday December 19th at 1 pm in our current class room.