Assignment #3


FA 103, 3D Design Fall 2002





One of the most important parts of any sculptural or 3 dimensional object is the space in which it resides. How the object fills the space, how the object works in its environment, etc. is all important in how the object is viewed and interpreted.


Sketchbook Assignments:  5pts


Create plans, your “design”, for a finished 3 dimensional art work to be placed in an chosen space. You will be expected to do at the following:


1.     With digital imaging and/or photography, show the space and the work that you create together

2.     Create a model or maquette of the space and the piece


These are to be presented to the class as if we were all on the board of the University, in other words, we as a class will be judging if you will receive the commission that has been offered.


Also in your sketchbook, write down and define the words in the following list


Check for vocab at -



Ideas to think about for this assignment:


depth            craft             concept         design           confined space

viewing distance                environment             implied space

earthwork     kinetic art      unity             commission   presentation 


Project #1:  20pts


You will choose a space somewhere on campus, as if you were commissioned to create a sculpture for the University. You will be expected to make a presentation to the class through photography and/or digital media and a model/maquette. You will need to find out who is in charge of the space you are assigned and ask them about gaining permission to place an art work in that space for a limited time. If you are very ambitious, I challenge you build the actual sculpture, get permission and display your work.