Assignment #2


FA 103, 3D Design Fall 2002



Surfaces of interest:


Now that we have realized how scale and proportion can change how we look at an object, we will concentrate on how the surface effects how an object is interpreted.


Sketchbook Assignments:  5pts


Each assignment must include drawings of the intended work to be created and notes on size, space, materials, etc. that the work is going to be made of.


  1. Simulated Texture – create a 3 dimensional object that has a texture that you have created to simulate the texture of another object
  2. Natural Texture – create a 3 dimensional object that has a texture so believable that one cannot tell it isn’t its “natural texture”
  3. Visual Texture – create a 3 dimensional object that uses color, pattern, and rhythm to create a surface that appears to exist visually but may actually be smooth
  4. Lighting – create a 3 dimensional object that relies on lighting to create an interesting and captivating surface
  5. Camouflage – create a 3 dimensional object that blends into its surroundings so well that we cannot find it – limit yourself to working within and around the FA Building
  6. Write down and define the words in the following list


Check for vocab at -



Ideas to think about for this assignment:


surface         texture          pattern          color             light              craft

concept        design           additive         subtractive    synthetic       natural

rhythm          balance         tactile           camouflage    reflected light

shadow        subject          style              shape           mass            sculpture



Project #2:  20pts


Take one of the 5 sketchbook assignments and carry it out to creating a final product.


Each project you do in this class will be graded on your craft, concept, design, and presentation.