Assignment #1


FA 103, 3D Design Fall 2002



Transformation of an Object:  


Everyday we come in to contact with objects that use space as a way of making its presence known. Typically we ignore the subtleties of an ordinary object that can make it very interesting.


With this exercise we will look at everyday objects and ideas, transforming their appearance paying close attention to those things we usually dismiss.



Sketchbook Assignments:  5pts


Each assignment must include drawings of the intended work to be created and notes on size, space, materials, etc. that the work is going to be made of.


  1. Pun – make a 3 dimensional object based on a word play, i.e. a past student of mine created a “Cow Pie” from one pie tin, one pie crust, and fabric colored like a cow.
  2. Enlarge – take a small object; nail, dime, marble, and recreate this object on a scale multiple times the original size
  3. Shrink – take a large object; car, house, tire, and recreate this object on a scale multiple times smaller that the original
  4. Make the Opposite – create a replica of an ordinary object out of a material that is as different from the original as possible.
  5. Write down and define the words in the following list


Ideas to think about for this assignment:


scale            proportion               impact          display          weight          

continuity       function                   symmetry      maquette      surface

craft             concept                   design           presentation


Project #1:  20pts


Take one of the 4 sketchbook assignments and carry it out to creating a final product.


Each project you do in this class will be graded on your craft, concept, design, and presentation.