Assignment #1


FA 320, Beginning Painting Fall 2001





Value study of personal still-life


This project’s focus is on examining our abilities to define light, shape, form, composition, and space using only Black and White paint to create value.


We will also look at the beginning ideas of transparent colors and glazing, and their effects on monochromatic painting and light.


Our still-life objects for this project are simply found; empty your pockets, purse, book bag, etc. onto a small table in the studio. I will require you to make a minimum of three sketches in your sketch book for this assignment before painting. You will also need to make a minimum of six preliminary sketches in paint on paper. This is to secure your ideas on the composition you wish to paint. The sketches will also come in handy for setting up your still-life each class meeting.


Requirements for this project are as follows:


            - Must be on good paper, minimum size 18 x 24 inches

            - Paper must have 1/4 to 1/2 inch taped boarder, achieved by taping to

                        the required drawing board

            - This is a value study project for black and white acrylic paint