A Personal Body of Work:


This assignment explores your personal ideas of the figure drawing. This is the time to make a body of works representing what the figure means in your personal images.



1.      We will have access to the model for the entire second half of the

semester for this assignment.


            2. This is the time to put forth your effort exploring the figure as you would

                        like to have it seen in your drawings, these can be of self or of the model.


            3. Use this opportunity to push further your ideas of drawing and drawing

                        materials. You will have approximately 12ft of paper left on your roll to use,

                        but you are not limited to working only on paper.


            4. Investigate further your personal how, what, why… reasoning as to

                        using the figure as subject in your work, thinking about all of the ideas

                        we have discussed this semester, culminating these thoughts into a

                        written statement about your body of works.


1.      To turn in for this assignment:


1.      A minimum of one finished sketch of each explored idea, in sketchbook.

2.      3 Sketches of figure model relating to pose or poses to be used in finished drawings.

3.      A body of works that fully describes your intents and ideas of

your use of the figure in your art.

4.      1 page written statement about your body of works, and 5 slide

or digital images of your best works of the semester.