Figure, text, and implied meanings:


This assignment explores the idea of the figure, text, and how the two together create other meanings.


1.      As a class we will discuss ideas of how the idea of the presence of text can change the context of figurative art.


2.      As this issue tends to become embroiled with issues of gender and how the figure can be misinterpreted or misused by artists, our own figure will become our model to work from.


3.      Begin by researching 3 words; find definitions, examples, synonyms…looking for how they apply to how you are perceived as a figure. (Notice, I said figure, this is not personality but outward appearance)


4.      Begin 10 of sketches of your self, these are basically self-portraits, which have no relationship to the 3 words being researched. (NOTICE: Your depiction of your "self" is your choice, I am not assigning NUDITY)


5.      Take your 3 words and create some type of text for these words. (i.e. create stories that repeat the word, create the word as it’s self in some interesting font, simply use the word and it’s dictionary definition)


6.      Develop 2 of the 10 self-portrait sketches into finished drawings using graphite, charcoal, ink, conte, gesso, etc. on archival paper minimum of 24 x 36 inches.


7.   Assigned readings found at the following links:


                    Roland Barthes

                    Jaques Lacan


                    *Tips for reading theses: don't over analyze, read a little and do something else, take your time, let it put you to sleep


To turn in for this assignment:


1.      10 self-portrait sketches in sketch book

2.      3 finished drawings from sketches done in sketch book

3.      2 developed textual derivations of words chosen about how you are perceived as a figure

4.      Display drawings and text in manner where the text either assigns new meaning to the image or reaffirms the image.