Revisiting anatomy and the Masters:


This assignment is focused on keeping up on the skills of proportion and anatomy by investigating drawings of influential artists of the past.


  1. First we will research a figurative artist who focuses on anatomy and proportion and whom we find influential to our personal use of the figure. Research their ideas on how they use the figure and their approaches to proportion and anatomy. This will turn into a 3-5 page type written paper to be handed in with the drawn assignment.


  1. Research and make preparation drawings (5) in your sketchbook of works by your influential artist. Pay close attention to drawings of grouped figures, 2 or more.


  1. Of the 5 grouped figure drawings select one to enlarge. Make an 8 ½ x 11 inch black and white Xerox copy of the original from the book.


  1. Use tracing paper and create a grid drawing from the Xerox copy of the grouped figure drawing.


  1. Create an enlarged contour drawing of the grouped figures, paying attention to only lines creating the edges of the figures, on archival paper of proportional size minimum 36 x 42 inches using either charcoal OR graphite.  (i.e. Xerox is 8 ½ x 11 multiply by a factor of approximately 4.25 and enlarge to 36 x 42 or go off original drawing size, i.e. if original drawing is 24 x 36 try 48 x 72)


  1. Within the contour drawings, create the skeletal structures of the grouped figures. I will have handouts, books and suggestions for books on anatomy available every class.


  1. To turn in for first project:



    1. Research paper 3-5 pages in length exploring the approaches to proportion and anatomy taken by a personally influential artist
    2. 5 drawings in sketchbook that explore group figure drawings of your personally influential artist.
    3. Xerox copy with grid tracing of grouped figure drawing by influential artists.

Enlarged contour drawing on archival paper minimum size 33 x 44 inches addressing skeletal structures and proportion issues, taken from Xerox grid tracing.